If you have high blood pressure, what do you do? Who do you reach out to for help?
Does anyone else in your family have this? If so, it can be even more alarming.
After working with over 15,000 patients, I have learned that I see the best health improvements from patients who implement the basics. So let’s discuss the basics that must be addressed when working with your doctor to lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, reverse diabetes and high blood pressure.
If you aren’t eating enough nutritious foods, then your body is not getting the nutrition that it needs to function properly. This can lead to weight gain and other health issues, such as fatigue.
If you are eating too much every day, then your body will begin storing fat and using it as fuel instead of burning through it. This can lead to weight gain and all sorts of other problems.
We've all heard about the benefits of losing weight, but it can be tough to get motivated to actually do it and stick with it. But what if we told you that even a small loss of body fat and muscle gain can bring some pretty serious benefits?
Health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels; reducing aches and pains; improving sleep; getting more energy; and, yes, even getting stronger.
Plus, what if we told you that in just one month, most of my patients lose 20+ pounds? And what if we told you that you can also see great benefits on your own by simply incorporating some of the ideas listed below.
Well, listen up. It's not just possible—it's probable. And you can start right now.
So what can you do to continue losing weight?
Change your diet. There are several options available to you.
Too much sugar and processed food can wreak havoc on your body, leading to weight gain, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and all sorts of other health issues.
By swapping out processed foods for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins (like fish and chicken), and whole grains, you can improve your body's ability to function properly. You'll lower your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, lose weight, feel better overall, and get more energy! Plus, fresh foods are DELICIOUS.
You can try intermittent fasting. You can try logging your food. You can try joining a support group. You can start exercising more (or less). However, all of these tactics are guesses that may or may not work for you.
You have a unique body type that is specific to you. It’s unlike anybody else’s. Sure it has similarities, but you want to be specific and precise in your approach to health.
If you really want to know the next step, you have to understand your body and develop a custom health plan. It starts with a consultation, a health assessment, blood work and fact finding. This is Dr. Supported Weight Loss.
Get started by setting up a
free consultation with our doctor. There is no obligation, no cost for the consultation.
Need a little more proof? Check out our
success stories.
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