Doctor Supported Weight Loss


Medical Conditions & Holistic Treatments

Learn more about the doctor supported weight loss & holistic treatments.

Individualized Treatment Programs

Your specific health at any given time makes you successful or dooms you to failure.


Success happens when we match your medical baseline to the best weight loss and health tools available.


Below is a look at some common medical conditions. What we do is unique to your situation. If you need a nail, we provide the hammer. We wouldn’t give you a screwdriver. Our holistic approach is the same.

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Doctor Rainey Consulting With A Patient about Doctor Supported Weight Loss

Common Symptoms We Address

Gut Health

The gut is essentially the core of the body. It is where nutrients are extracted from food and transported around the body. It is where toxins are removed from the blood. You might be surprised to hear that 80% of our immune tissue resides in the digestive system, as opposed to the rest of our body. The other 20%?

That's in our brain!

Zoomloss can help by finding the cause of abnormal gut health and creating an individualized holistic solution.

Brain Fog

Brain fog is a symptom of a poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, and other contributing medical factors. It reduces productivity, decreases performance, and hurts your relationships.

Brain fog is tied to other health problems like anxiety and depression. The team at Zoomloss has helped 1000's of people identify the cause of their brain fog and eliminate their symptoms through a holistic approach.

Schedule a consultation today!


With fatigue you wake up tired. You want to sleep or sit down all day. This is not what you had in mind for life. You crave sweets and eat them with little pleasure. Your body has no energy to exercise, play with your kids, or spend time with friends.

You are not alone.

Fatigue is the most common symptom that lets your body know something is wrong. Fortunately, you can find out what's going on through proper testing, evaluation, and a holistic approach to change. Learn more by talking to one of our doctors.

Joint Pain

Joint pain is often caused by being over weight, bad nutrition, and other medical factors. It prevents you from moving, playing with kids/grandkids, and enjoying simple things.

Joint pain is often caused by nutritional deficiencies and other medical factors. F

Fortunately, this is treatable. Zoomloss's doctors help you to identify the causes of joint pain, test for medical conditions, and treat underlying issues.


Thyroid issues are extremely common. Thyroid hormones regulate the body’s metabolism, so when these hormones are low it can slow down metabolism and cause symptoms like body aches, fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain.

However, thyroid medication does not always help with these symptoms. In fact, thyroid medications only help about 10-20% of people who take them.

This is because low thyroid hormone is a symptom of an underlying issue rather than a cause. Thyroid issues are often misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety or other psychological issues because there aren’t enough tests available to accurately measure thyroid function.

Dr. Rainey describes the thyroid as “like a barometer” or a “check engine light that makes you pull over.” The thyroid is a warning system that tells us to find the underlying cause of the problem by testing and identifying what that cause is. Learn more by scheduling a consultation.


When you're deficient in hormones, your metabolism slows down. One of the primary reasons is because hormone deficiencies lead to muscle loss, low energy, and weight gain.

Certain foods contain chemicals that can throw off your hormones. These chemicals can be found in soy products and non-organic dairy products. Other foods that contain these chemicals are wheat products, corn oil, meats, and dairy. 

However, you don't know the root-cause of your symptoms with out an evaluation, testing, and a personalized plan.


Malabsorption is a serious condition in which digestion and the absorption of nutrients are impaired. This can cause serious malnutrition, as well as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

If you are over eating, you may be suffering from malabsorption. Our tests identify specific causes of of nutritional deficiencies to help find the cause of dizziness, lethargy, low blood sugar and anemia, as well as a host of other symptoms caused by malabsorption.

Knowing the cause can lead to recovery. Find out what is wrong with your system and start getting good health.

Nutrient Deficiencies 

A nutritional deficiency is a health condition that occurs when the body does not absorb or get from food the necessary amount of a nutrient.

Deficiencies may involve calories, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals. They can also be caused by an inability to absorb nutrients adequately from food. The cause of this is usually due to a problem in the digestive tract. However, it may occur because of certain medications that decrease absorption or because of a medical condition such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease.

Thinning hair and flaky skin can result from vitamin A deficiency. Brittle nails are often due to low levels of iron and calcium. Dizziness, fatigue, and brain fog can accompany low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and anemia resulting from deficiencies in iron and B vitamins.

A number of different conditions can develop when the diet does not meet the body's needs for specific nutrients like over eating and weight gain. Some can have serious consequences if not treated.

How To Get Started

You can start by taking our medical survey and self-assessment.

The brief medical survey will help our doctor start to better understand your goals and your health history.

Click here to take the survey.

The next step after the survey is a consultation and more in-depth assessment by Doctor Rainey.

Depending on your answers below and the initial consultation. Doctor Rainey may order additional tests. If you are unsure of any of the questions below, please leave them blank.

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