Unfortunately, some medications may actually cause you to gain weight. Here are some of the most common medications that can cause weight gain:
Beta Blockers May slow down your heart and metabolism causing weight gain or stalling your weight loss. Blood Pressure Medications can cause fluid retention which leads to swelling and bloating which may be mistaken for weight gain.
Anti-Depressants may cause weight gain (including SSRIs). This can be a particularly difficult pill for people with depression to swallow because depression itself can cause significant weight gain.
If your doctor prescribes you steroids for a short period of time (for example, if you're having an allergic reaction), they can make it hard for your body to burn fat. The reason is that steroids increase muscle mass while decreasing fat, which means your body has more lean muscle tissue than it needs. This means that when you start eating normally again after taking steroids, your body will be able to convert food into muscle much more quickly than normal and less efficiently into fat deposits.
These are often used to treat allergies and colds. Antihistamines block histamine receptors in the body and reduce inflammation; however, they can also cause drowsiness and may stall weight loss by preventing sleep. If you take an antihistamine for allergies or colds regularly, talk with your doctor about whether this drug is causing any side effects on your body composition — particularly if you've been taking it for more than three months without noticing any benefits from its use.
How your body interacts with food, drugs, and your environment determines your weight loss success or failure.
This is why it is critical to have a medical assessment and review your responses with a Doctor. Testing & blood work are also key to understanding what is healthy for you.
Doctor-supported weight loss is the best way to ensure that 1) you are guaranteed to lose weight and 2) your weight loss is not detrimental to your health.
Take time to research doctor-supported weight loss programs to see what program is the best match for you. You can also check out our
doctor-supported weight loss program.
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