Doctor Supported Weight Loss


Doctor Supported Weight Loss

Consultation | Testing | Individualized Plan

Meet Dr. Ian Rainey

Founder Of Zoomloss | St. Pete Weight Loss Clinic

Dr. Rainey was frustrated. He was frustrated with treating symptoms. He was frustrated seeing patients with the same avoidable injuries and pain. Dr. Rainey was frustrated treating bad backs, joints, and inflammation all stemming from the same issue–weight.

But from his own personal experiences, he knew it wasn't about the patients lack of dedication or desire. Instead, it was from a system fraught with solutions that didn't help patients.

Doctor Rainey knew that true solutions require a personal touch. You have to get to know your patient, you need medical tests to help understand what is happening, and you need to create a treatment plan based on facts. Read more about Dr. Rainey's story and the founding of Zoomloss.

Individual Weight Loss Plans 

Your body is unique, your health history is unique, and you are unique.

How It Works

Custom Weight Loss Solutions | How It Works

Logo of a man and message box to click for a consultation.


Dr. Supported weight loss starts with a consultation just like any other doctor’s visit.

Schedule a Free Consulation
Icon of a test tube to show blood work and testing that supports weight loss.


Testing & Blood Work

The next step in the Doctor 

supported weight loss program is gathering facts.

See How It Works
Icon of a check list and apple to help people understand the health plan

Custom Health Plan

Now that you have all the facts. We can start to determine why you are overweight and correct.

See What To Expect

What To Expect

Some common issues that prevent weight loss are hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, fatty liver, fibromyalgia, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, iron deficiency, various forms of anemia, nutrient deficiencies, including thiamine, riboflavin, B12 (hydroxycobalamin), vitamin D deficiency, mineral deficiencies, diminished detoxification pathway 

capability, etc.

Your personal circumstances make your weight loss journey successful or dooms you to failure. This is because you try solutions without ever understanding the problem.

However, when a medical professional matches your medical baseline to the best weight loss and health tools available, you are Guaranteed Success.

See What To Expect
Photo of Dr. Rainey

Other’s Have Gone Before You, See What They Have To Say

CTA Logo of Zoomloss Doctor Supported Weight Loss Program



See How It Works
By Dr. Ian Rainey 30 Dec, 2022
It’s no secret that travel can be stressful. Whether it's for the holidays or business trips, many people travel frequently and struggle with staying on their health plan. It may seem like you must sacrifice your diet and exercise routine during a vacation, there are ways to stay on track without feeling like you’re missing out on the fun. The last thing you want to do is worry about what you're eating or how much exercise you're getting. With a little planning, you can turn your vacation into an enjoyable experience that won't leave you feeling guilty or deprived.
By Dr. Ian Rainey 20 Dec, 2022
The new year is just around the corner, and you know what that means… New Year’s resolutions. Most people set intentions for the new year, and, most times, those intentions are health related. Whether your goal is to go to the gym more often or to start a new diet, healthy lifestyle resolutions are a great way to go.  The new year is a great time to work on your goals. Unfortunately for some, it can be difficult to stay consistent with resolutions. How can you ensure that you are setting realistic and attainable goals?
By Dr. Ian Rainey 02 Dec, 2022
The holidays are here! And whether you're hosting or attending a party, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and overeat. This can make it challenging to eat well and avoid weight gain.
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