Doctor Supported Weight Loss


edits Zoomloss

Zoomloss is a doctor-supervised weight loss program that helps people lose 20-40 pounds in as little as 6 weeks and keep it off for a lifetime.

Meet Dr. Ian Rainey

Founder Of Zoomloss

Dr. Rainey was frustrated. He was frustrated with treating symptoms. He was frustrated seeing patients with the same avoidable injuries, and Dr. Rainey was frustrated treating bad backs, joins, and inflammation all systemic from the same issue–weight.

Dr. Rainey couldn't fault his patients. He knew weight gain wasn't about a lack of dedication or desire. His patiences were disciplined, but they were never evaluated. They were trying diets, exercise, and supplements that weren't right for them.

Dr. Rainey knew that the only way he could help his patients was by evaluating the problem first.

He knew personal health dictates a dietary plan. But his patients were sucked into a system fraught with solutions that didn't help.

So, Dr. Rainey did something about it.

He started Zoomloss, a simple weight loss concept–Consultation, Testing, and Individualized Plans.

How It Works

What Others are Saying About Zoom Loss

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